The Jewish Heroes Journey
Starts With You

According to our Sages, the Torah has 70 faces, seventy facets through which its light illuminates the world. The Jewish Heroism Project is here to reveal the heroic face of the Torah and let its light guide Jewish seekers on their Jewish hero’s journey.

The Jewish people are in crisis. We are standing at a historic nexus the likes of which we have not seen for 2,000 years, whose potential is enormous and whose danger is very real. We are being called to draw forth from ourselves a heroic stance towards life in order to appropriately respond to the challenges we are facing. On an individual and collective level we must find the way of Jewish heroism and actualize our potential as a people.

The great 20th-century sage and Chief Rabbi of pre-state Israel, Rav Avraham Isaac Kook, point toward our quest when he says that the Torah “ranks higher than all other aspects of wisdom in this respect, that it transforms the will and personal disposition of those who pursue it, drawing them toward those lofty heights on which its concern is focused.”

The Torah is calling us all to a quest in pursuit of the Divine goodness underlying all creation, giving us the tools to actualize that potential wherever we see or feel it, without and within.The heroic face of the Torah is the mirror in which a Jewish seeker can find the gateway to live a heroic life. 

To see the heroic face of the Torah is to see your best self reflected back at you through the Torah’s wisdom and stories. It is to hear the Torah’s prophetic voice of the past, one which shakes you free of present limitations and calls you toward a heroic future. The Jewish Heroism Project aims to map the Torah’s heroic face, help you identify it within yourself, and guide you on your own Jewish hero’s journey.